The Departure of LadSy
Below is an email from LadSy to me...
Since, i'm not going to be posting on your blog again, I was wondeinrg if you could draw up an article about my 2 games vsing InErKinG. These replays although not on bgh, clearly show that brains and tactical "stratergy" is much more important than senseless actions per minute. I am not sure if InErKing has a reputation as being good, but his APM was over double mine. We had 2 matches PvT, I won the first and he won the second. It is obvious that he is far more skilled than me, but the first replay makes my argument clear.
Its been good lousy, but your bgh forum is far too competitive for my taste. I think i might still play with a few of my friends in bgh, but i want to play more low money maps and 1v1/2v2ing. BGH althoguh fun.. offers little enjoyment now, i'm supprised we havn't moved to better maps or new ones.
I would appreciate you doing this very much, and hope to talk to you on bnet in the future. Hope the community goes well. If you see BGHwest tell him, i forfeit. I've got much better things to do than play in some stupid tourney.
I'll also include a few other replays including a long 3v3 bgh, and also a 2v2 with 58 and some other dude. The 2v2 was fun and i topped apm ;). However this was the second and again they both chose toss, which i find lazy and kind of pathetic. But then again, they probably wanted to win it more and were smart because toss has a definate advantage. They asked me to get another partner to vs them in lost temple, and hopefully i will with mongo[training].
Cya then lousy.
Cya later lousy.
These were the last few words from LadSy for this blog. I was sad that our BGH community had lost LadSy as he will move himself to a more professional gaming scene. And I hope one day after his departure to low-money-map gaming, he will return back to our BGH community as one of the most recognizable player ever... with IQ of 180 and APM of 450 - argueably, intelligent + speed mean rule everything.
I hope you guys could give some respects to LadSy, and don't fuck with him, because one day he gonna came back and OWN you all. HAHAHAHA...
I have follow his order and present you guys the 4 replays in the zip file below. Please give these replays an honour in your replay folders.
I wish LadSy all the best not only in Starcraft, but also everything in life. Good luck, LadSy, you're the best.
Since, i'm not going to be posting on your blog again, I was wondeinrg if you could draw up an article about my 2 games vsing InErKinG. These replays although not on bgh, clearly show that brains and tactical "stratergy" is much more important than senseless actions per minute. I am not sure if InErKing has a reputation as being good, but his APM was over double mine. We had 2 matches PvT, I won the first and he won the second. It is obvious that he is far more skilled than me, but the first replay makes my argument clear.
Its been good lousy, but your bgh forum is far too competitive for my taste. I think i might still play with a few of my friends in bgh, but i want to play more low money maps and 1v1/2v2ing. BGH althoguh fun.. offers little enjoyment now, i'm supprised we havn't moved to better maps or new ones.
I would appreciate you doing this very much, and hope to talk to you on bnet in the future. Hope the community goes well. If you see BGHwest tell him, i forfeit. I've got much better things to do than play in some stupid tourney.
I'll also include a few other replays including a long 3v3 bgh, and also a 2v2 with 58 and some other dude. The 2v2 was fun and i topped apm ;). However this was the second and again they both chose toss, which i find lazy and kind of pathetic. But then again, they probably wanted to win it more and were smart because toss has a definate advantage. They asked me to get another partner to vs them in lost temple, and hopefully i will with mongo[training].
Cya then lousy.
Cya later lousy.
These were the last few words from LadSy for this blog. I was sad that our BGH community had lost LadSy as he will move himself to a more professional gaming scene. And I hope one day after his departure to low-money-map gaming, he will return back to our BGH community as one of the most recognizable player ever... with IQ of 180 and APM of 450 - argueably, intelligent + speed mean rule everything.
I hope you guys could give some respects to LadSy, and don't fuck with him, because one day he gonna came back and OWN you all. HAHAHAHA...
I have follow his order and present you guys the 4 replays in the zip file below. Please give these replays an honour in your replay folders.
I wish LadSy all the best not only in Starcraft, but also everything in life. Good luck, LadSy, you're the best.
At December 15, 2005 10:06 AM,
lousy_robot said…
yeah doesnt mean he will be pro, doesnt mean he will own us at all, but that's my blessing to him
At December 15, 2005 10:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
Lol ben quit being a hojo -_-;
At December 15, 2005 9:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh ladsy, i have heard alot about him, and his nonsense. Brags of his wins with his team friends over some public players. Calls pple with lousy stats as newbies, which is ridiculous. So those with good stats are all pros? Could it be that some are actually hackers?
Well he has alot to say in most cases. If he wins you, ur a noob.
If he lost to u in a 1v1, he comes up with a thousand reasons. Then he ll ask u to get a a 3v3 going to get even. If you didnt he ll call a fuckin newbie, chickening away.
When u finally get ur frds to play him, and gives him a loss, he ll still call u a newbie, noob and many names.
He ll ask u for a 2v2 finally when he gets some pro to play with him, and especially when, ur friends not around.
When finally our friends come together, ready to take him on face to face, he ll ask us to fuck off and leave him alone.
Anyway i beat him anytime, and no re for him bad manner kid who cant take a loss. Its such an insult to play such.
Let him train for another 10 years and come challenge me again, by then i would have probably retired for like 10 years. And at that time i ll have to let him win, so that he gets over this silly conquest of his.
I have retired for 2 years already and still i managed to beat him, i dunno what is he anyway.
A piece of advice for him, quit bw start a new rts game maybe he might be able to get a better foothold.
Yours sincerely,
The guy whom he called newbie, but yet defeated him. Ladsy pls defeat me asap and train up fast. I cant wait 10 years.
At December 15, 2005 10:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
May the Craft be with you all.
At December 16, 2005 5:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
uhh.. somone just told me about this guy posting about me?.. what the hell.. so many bullshitters here..
People who know me, know what i don't do any of these things.. so please ignore that ridiculous post.. thx
oh and thx for posting lousy :) its quite a funny post, i like being famous :).
my 2cents are on him being "scoutech or neoanderson" both bad manner players who refuse 're' and log off.
firstly dude.. i never call for 3v3's with my friends.. none of them would do it anyway.. so who'd you hear this off?
if this is neo anderson.. it was you who called for the 3v3.. 2ce infact.. and u got 2 people you didnt even know.. I asked them rexno.. and some other bloke.
Secondly i'm not bm.. so i wouldnt do that, unless you were one of those pussies who just run off and disc after a 1v1 where they got lucky.
For example.. i beat inerking.. quite luckily but a good strat.. he called for re.. i said yes and he beat me.. thats how good players do it.
rofl.. wtf u on about? my only 2v2 partner is "mongo[training]" and usually i do most of the work considering he gets owned.. and we are 5:0 so far our last win pwning the "terrans) and kursty)" guys.
ask wgate.. i've vsed them in several 2v2's with newb allys.
If this is neoanderson.. because i don't think that scoutech would sink so low. I propose that you get a live and mind you own business and if you have the guts for it come re me.. where i'm protoss.. i'd be happy to do that. But you'd go change the subject as usual.
considering i completely pwned Pinoy1der who said he "owned you like a hoe" that just shows that i was unlucky.. (btw.. i beat j with my worst race T, and i'm not sure if his race was any good, i may have just been lucky too, he promised to re me).
And player[craft] knows that i'm not a bitch as you've described me as.. considering i teamed with him for 3 hunters games against 1.39 and mightygoat which we won 2:1.
it is obvious from your post that you have no idea what your talking about and by now i'm pretty sure its you neoanderson. You are the worse type of player on bnet.. u only ask for re's when u lose to somone.. i've heard that alvin beat u 11:0 or something.. but when u are lucky enough to win you go log off and go around telling everyone you absolutely owned me.. when you barely did.
You know i'm going to beat you with words so if your not chicken please just fess up and meet me on bnet.. I remmeber that time when i had a few friends wanting to obs.. and you said "no obs cheat they tell the player everything" even tho i told him you can just no vision them.. so ridiculous.
I also want to bad mouth "Legacyofkain" i'll also do that on the shoutbox thingo. He obsed a 1v1 between me and some dude.. not sure who it was.. me and kain arnt exactly friends, i have no idea what.. but he doesnt seem to like me.. After the game he went around telling everoyne that he whispered me about my apponent thru the whole game.. I find that pathetic and hope that kain can stop stalking every chick that lives within bordering countries of him and go stick your head in a whole.
this information was courtesy of "58freestyle", so its not first person.
So back to neo.. dude get a life.. and stop talking behind my back.. i cant believe u had the nerve to do this after i stopped looking at the blog.. thats the cheapest thing i've heard in a while.
cya, wow what a waste of time..
At December 17, 2005 12:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
gg, me and neo's problems were sorted.. we rematched after i spent half an hour convincing him that i did not do all the stuff he wrote.. and then beat him in a PvT 1v1... it was quite pwnage.. 6 minute game. I asked him for rematch and he refused.. so thats settled..
ask for replay^^
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