Too Much of Protoss
kOOlam had sent me a great replay of himself featuring a 2vs2 BGH battle with a guy who is believed to be one of the BEST BGHers out there - ShOoTINg_SpElLs. This game was played in US East. From the replay, I could see kOOlam posses some really amazing skills, while ShOoTINg_SpElLs has some new (its new to me) formation of Gateway positioning which actually very creative.
kOOlam (T) APM=131 Stats=1591-211-31
AL_Bundy (Z) APM=173 Stats=2215-743-101
oonth_sr. (P) APM=79 Stats=44-42-1
ShOoTINg_SpElLs (P) APM=172 Stats=0-109-3
This is a must see replay for all BGHers. Will the toss rules in BGH? Or will the combination of Terran and Zerg deadlier? Download the replay at:
P:S Many thanks to kOOlam for sharing this great replay. Hopefully we could get more of this in future. Send in your favourite replays to my email, - so that you could share it with everyone here (with the condition that it must be really good).
kOOlam (T) APM=131 Stats=1591-211-31
AL_Bundy (Z) APM=173 Stats=2215-743-101
oonth_sr. (P) APM=79 Stats=44-42-1
ShOoTINg_SpElLs (P) APM=172 Stats=0-109-3
This is a must see replay for all BGHers. Will the toss rules in BGH? Or will the combination of Terran and Zerg deadlier? Download the replay at:
P:S Many thanks to kOOlam for sharing this great replay. Hopefully we could get more of this in future. Send in your favourite replays to my email, - so that you could share it with everyone here (with the condition that it must be really good).
At December 12, 2005 2:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
Maybe ShOoTINg_SpElLs was the belived best on usa west. he-he
At December 12, 2005 3:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
replay was ok nothing really amazing happened, looked liek blue ran tha game pretty much, as for spells he just stayed alive or tried too.
At December 12, 2005 5:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
Funny this tz vs pp Bash.
And funny how Al_bundy and K00lam after all needed mucho more time because they hurried so much :P
At December 12, 2005 7:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hm i have to add this Shooting guy might be really good. Just no chance to show with the orange one vs a really good team even if its tz
At December 12, 2005 7:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
ShOoTiNg_SpElLs is the best player on USWest BGH that has evar lived!!! I am his number 1 fan!!! BTW Oonth_Sr. is a fatty newb!!!
At December 12, 2005 7:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
At December 12, 2005 8:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
for those of you that dont think shooting_spells is one of the best BGH players on west server i dare you to challenge him and one of his teamates. I'd like to see marlb0r0s team play against spells team. I doubt marlb0r0 would do very well
At December 12, 2005 6:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
After reading this.. i might just have to watch the replay and sort u guys out :).
But please : there will "NEVER" be a best bgh player.. ever.. firstly how would you test them.. most people who play bgh do it for fun.. not because they want to be known as "the best" and if your that good at bgh.. you'd definately move to better maps such as luna and lt... (psst where i pwned a certain teran player in tvt :P ROFL!!).
At December 12, 2005 6:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
ok, after watching the replay, its clear that : red : crap, orange : crap/average, blue : good but stupid,
purple : "whats so special".
ok.. now lets discuss.. blue.. 1 tank on his ledge would have sorted purple out. First his gateway block would have been destroyed.. then all of his men would have to dance around or they'd get hit by seige across the water.
Orange : you've got to be joking.. i've seen 100's of marlboro players play better protoss than him.
Blue again : he's got good teamwork.. by helping red in the center he ensure they could keep center and then go at purple together.
Purple : had a robofac really early but didnt use it at all.. quick tech automatically means you get speed and reavers/obs. 1 reaver + 1 goon drop on blue would have sorted his scv's out... after that his building would be stunted and they could push him back.
Red : zzzZZzzZZzzZz one of the worst zerg players i've seen.. go talk to DTB or Rain. he had idle larva on several occasions and that led to him only having like 12 drones until he decided to expand like 20 mins into the game.
Orange : ever heard of expanding? or doing something.. he didnt get hit at all by either t or z.. he should have had a fat ass army and 3 base expnsion.. archons + zlots + templar + obs + goons + samwhich from 3 different position = pwnage on teran.
also.. 2 protoss always means one goes goons.. think about it.. 1 will stop the zerg lings and the other can work on the teran mech.
gg no re. Thats my analysis.. go ahead and ignore it.
oh btw.. i do believe blue had quite good teran micro..but thats only becuase I suck @$#% at teran mech.
At December 12, 2005 8:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
fast goons vs tz ^^ (11 pool speed lings)
oh ladsy ure whole comment is a good example for a pub noobie hehe
u make me laughing
thx for that :D
At December 12, 2005 8:35 PM,
lousy_robot said…
Yes, Ladsy, you are right. This game though fast and full of actions contains less... intelligent. Where are all those drops from blue (kOOlam) and where's the DT drop, cosairs, mutas in the early game? Their playing ground for speed, massive, and offensive, but these were actually boring to me. But I admire their speeds and micro... but unfortunately, they got really low MACRO! However I was still unsure whether someone who played slow (like me) could win them by intelligent itself.
At December 12, 2005 8:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
thankyou lousy ;) ur a champ mate ;p.
its true.. there team play was good.. and micro at times was great.. but inteligence > all. there tactics would work great in public games which are full of hackers.. who for some reason.. are able to block every inteligent move u make.
koolam, your stupidity annoys me.. you can go keep playing consistantly like a korean tryhard.. and we'll all try get better.
At December 12, 2005 9:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ladsy... jeez, who do you think you are? Even I don't love koolam Aka :
-=hmmmmm=- on europe , I have to say he is the one of the best bgh/hunters players out there, and as for his allys, Bundy = aka: prjoekt-x who won wgtour 2:2 at least once with prjoket-q , aka: leejet on europe.
They might do some mistakes but , trust me in best of 5 noone on west or east can win them , except maybe Player[Craft} and Bic[Craft] that might be able to win them once and once...
At December 12, 2005 10:44 PM,
lousy_robot said…
Hmm... kOOlam micros is really damn good. And their APMs are really high. I wish I could have a higher APM so that I could do more things. I got lot of strategies on what next, but somehow, I cant do it because there is too many for me to do but with APM of 110, I dun think I can accomplish it. I analysis most of my replays and I found I got an even for both micro and macro. kOOlam have the talent, and I believe he will be even better in future if he have a bigger Macro. Anyway, that is just one replay of him, hopefully to see more of his replays in future.
At December 12, 2005 11:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
as for shooting being tha best? im sorry like i said i used to game with him an ooth an tha res of his crew, believe tha channel was op kingx2 back than, ooth was actually there best player....spells i out scored every game if hes amazing than my game play must b insane (sarcasm) as for they cant beat anyone on east or west, i still hold strong to team papas until i see a replay of them being owned fairly...both are my mentors.
At December 13, 2005 3:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
Grummel how is it goin? you shoutcasting in GGL with Prjoekt-q ^^
At December 13, 2005 5:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
you know why u cant do shit lousy? could it be you lag like a @$#%er :D and u have to put it on extra high lat.. meaning your units take 4 seconds to respond to ur clicks..
lousy.. can u make an expose on extra high lat vs low lat.. because its annoying how some stupid bgh players "out of habit" are switching to extra high lat.. in games where there is no lag.. its annoying as hell.. removes the little skill remaining in bgh play..
At December 13, 2005 6:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
btw.. the above post was me.. accident.
At December 13, 2005 7:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
I am Grumel not iv.Grummel. We are differnt Persons. The only thing we Share is that we are both Toss and German.
At December 13, 2005 7:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
Rain : spells hasn't played thousands of games with his allies, he only started playing with them within the past few months
At December 13, 2005 8:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
marlb0r0 please dont talk about stuff you dont know.. neither oonth nor spells was ever in kingx, oonth didn't even know about the channel until some people mentioned it to him. as for spells he only played with them a few times, but went on a break from sc for about 2 yrs and just got back in this past year.
At December 13, 2005 9:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
rofl.. this is so ridiculous.. its not even about this spells guy anymore..
thats all i have to say on this..
At December 13, 2005 10:53 AM,
Anonymous said…
"Also, 2;2 best was testie and tittybang."
Testie is a proven hacker. You just lost credibility.
At December 13, 2005 11:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
I've just watched the replay and it was a very interesting fight. Purple was between a rock and a hard place because of Zergling and Vultures.
Normally when you see your opponent go mass Zergling you gotta stop getting Dragoon and go Zealots and he couldn't because blue went all vultures and to fight vultures is to get Dragoon and you know what happen right? You got it, Red has the advantage when Purple go Dragoon. Blue has advantage when Purple go Zealots so Purp was between a rock and a hard place. He couldn't do much because of Zerglings + Vultures combination and he was the one that got hit the most.
Orange was very aggressive and that was his mistake. When you can't fight, stay back, don't try to be a hero and mass zealots on your opponents. Instead build cannon in center and cannon is one of Protoss' advantages. If both Protoss had worked together to control that Center, it would have been a win for both of them but they didn't work together as a team and just went for their own victims and that was what got them.
Zealots are very powerful units but you have to control them and hold position whenever you can, don't let yoru opponents lurk you to their spot, if you followed you're dead...
Genie In the Bottle.
At December 13, 2005 11:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
its called archons bro ^^
At December 13, 2005 12:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
And what's acrhons going to do? Blue and Red were very fast. Dragoons and Zealots are slow and you can't fight Zerglings and Vultures in speed. You have to slow down and start with cannons. Or groups all zealots and dragoons in center and don't move out of it.
If you saw two toss sitting in the center of BGH, would you dare harass them? Purple had advantage of going reaver since he got Cybernator already because he went for Dragoons. All they needed to do was to cannon center and this would have forced Blue to get tanks (which would have slowed both red and blue down from the hyper-active movements) and in that timeframe it allows Purple to get reavers and Orange to get Dts.
Once blue had tanks he would then try to find a way to break those cannons and Purple could have surprised him with reaver, right into his workers and blue wouldn't expect that because his mind was busy thinking about those cannons.
Normally when you go vultures you ignore comsat and so Orange DTs would have had advantage.
You know, purpl could have hit Red badly if he had reavers... Again, the game was way too fast and aggressive, none of them had the time to actually "THINK".
Genie in the Bottle.
Somebody, set me free now!
At December 13, 2005 5:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
OLs in mid or at terran's base negate any DTs
At December 13, 2005 9:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
good call man. what did u do.. search thru every post i've evver made looking for where i made a mistake?
thx.. your the genius.. and i'm the loser..
dt's are useless against vultures bro, mines..etc
i agree with what u said.. i was just messing around man... because I love archons :) s00 cool.. umm.. yeh if u go for archons which would easily take too long.. you'd be a bit slow after... if blue turned to mass tanks.. becuase for archons to work.. u also need zlots as distracttions and goons.
anyway.. imo 58 is a really good toss player.. however.. these guys play toss to win.. and i've played 3 games against him.. where he's gone toss all 3.. so.. yeh.. obviously bgh is a toss map.. but that doesnt mean u have to be lame and play toss all the time.. i'd respect a random player more than a pick player any day of the week..
although.. random is pretty bs these days..
At December 15, 2005 1:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
umm.. bgh is a protoss map, just to remind you :). protoss has advantage thru the whole game, no matter the race matchup.
At December 16, 2005 11:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
>umm.. bgh is a protoss map, just to remind you :). protoss has advantage thru the whole game, no matter the race matchup.<
Wrong and I got one replay to prove it. I'll send to Robot if anyone here want to see the replay.
Game was:
Zerg, Terran, Toss vs ALL Toss.
And I was Terran and had created the Plan to kill all 3 toss. All 3 toss were very aggressive with Zealots and we lost one of our ally because of that...
BGH is indeed a Protoss map and those who try to fight them will LOSE. So the best thing is not to fight them.
At December 16, 2005 10:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
exactly it is a protoss map.. which was my point.. i never said they cant be defeated.. quite easy with 3 good players.. however.. if u get 3 good protoss players vs 3 good random players its goona be rape.. 2 go zlots speed the other goes obs goons and somone makes templar.
gg all three races.
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