The Twins Clan (Girl Power)

I was able to grab a chance to have a short interview with Twins)Geraldine and Twins)Candy of the Twins Clan yesterday. Both are 19 and 22 years old if I am not mistaken and they were both from China and California, USA.
We have the interview in Twins private channel (however they claim that it was a public channel), op)twins of US West server.
For those who does not know about the Twins clan, here is a short introduction.
They were playing in a regular basis of 3vs3 BGH in US West and have been winning a high ratio of games... of about 100 wins to 10 losts. Their popularity begin to stock up when their superb team play suprise even to some experience BGHers out there.
The Twins Clan started out with 4 members, and the leader was Twins)Charlene. Today, they have manage to recruit up to 17 members. However, something that really suprise me was that the Twins Clan consists of mostly female - 90% of them. This is what they claimed, and whether it is true or false, its up to you. If they are really females, then it would be sweet, and if they were males, then probably these were the kind of gays community that we often seen.
Asked on how could they become so good at gaming, they said it was mostly from their boyfriend and self-learning. I was told by another friend of mine, so_easy that he (so_easy) was once a member of the Twins clan. And I do asked Twins)Charlene and Twins)Candy whether it was true... and Twins)Candy replies furiously saying that it was not true and so_easy was a pervert!!! OMG!
Ok, that's about it. And both the Twins are bored and were about to start the game, and I manage to have a game and two with them. Replays are uploaded on the below.
At December 07, 2005 9:00 PM,
lousy_robot said…
Those pictures are the REAL Twins from Hong Kong. The Twins are actually two famous singers and actress. Google for it and you can find more. Keyword = Twins Charlene or Twins Gillian.
At December 07, 2005 11:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
but is that like me creating a name in america...eminem, an saying im Marshall Mathers, or do u really really think its them? lol
ive gamed with an against they are good they mass an go, pretty much there style never any good microing, just mass an go
At December 08, 2005 2:25 AM,
lousy_robot said…
Ohh sorry Marlboro, I over deleted your previous comments. I guess blogspot really was not that stable afterall.
At December 08, 2005 5:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
i have just watched the replays and have to say that the twins hadn't impressed me much... i think its a bit exaggerated to call them "superb" or "so good" ;)
why?? first some of these guys you had played against obviously were noobs (e.g. to tech scouts on bgh...), it was nearly 2vs3, in addition the micro of the twins suckt even in the beginning, as it was said before, they just mass without microing... ;)
At December 12, 2005 2:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
wow.. whats this.. no-one yet to compliment the twins ;) i like it :D!!
and no, they are certainly not "superb or good"..
And how annoying are they.. they join your games and say "please wait i have 3 friends" and 5 minutes later... we are still waitng for the 3rd. Its called "ban" guys ;). seriously.. if you've got 3 players... MAKE your own game...
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