Pit-BuLL_19 FOUND AS HACKER (brought to you courtesy of YaO_MinG)
Pit-BuLL_19 with a record of 2961-383-122 (as of today) is indeed impressive. However, yes, however, he hack.
An evidence (a replay) was sent to me today showing a strong evidence of the hack. Pit-BuLL_19 was using map-hack on an undated match and was found killing himself and left the game as soon as it happened (this is a shameful scenario, yes that's awfully shameful). The reason he was self-destructing was due to PenguinPlug, a program used by other players in the same game to counter-hack the hacker who use map-hack. The counter-hack will be activated in between 4 to 5 minutes after the game started, and it will lead to self-unallied for only hackers.
Just for a small thought and curiosity, why do you hack? Now your name is here, so please change your name so nobody will know you are still Pit-Bull_19 and hopefully you could lead a better life with or without hacking. Don't blame me on posting this up, as the demands for this is undoubtely great.
The replay of the hack had been uploaded into the link below. Is my pleasure to let everyone view it. Enjoy!!!
P:S Pit-Bull_19 is still actively playing BGH in US West.
P:S PenguinPlug's counter map-hack feature is not working anymore for Patch 1.13. However the replay above can replay nicely under 1.13.
At December 09, 2005 6:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
Haha, poor BuLL_19. I just love this blog that always stand on justice!!!
At December 10, 2005 7:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
uhh... most of those players are just decent. they just play with good people so they don't lose.
At December 13, 2005 6:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
dude, do u know why they play with good people.. because good people are our 'friends' its not our fault they are good.. man..
added to that.. i played with "loss" for a while.. i mean he's not that bad.. but he's not good.. and when you lose with an ally thats worse than you.. its #$%$ing annyoing..
At December 13, 2005 9:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
dude.. i saw pit-bull_19 on again.. rofl.. everyone was going.. dude.. ur name is ruined.. and he's like "your point".. haha i was rofling.. then i was like "dude you hack" ;p and he's like "its just a game get a life man" and i'm like.. "thats ur excuse ;p" he's definately got guts to come back.. after being named a hoe hacker.
At December 14, 2005 9:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
I noticed something unbeleivably pathetic today. I was on USWest and i noticed a game titled: Maphack Needed. And Guess who the host was. It was me, even though i was idling in marboro. This means someone was spoofing my screename and creating that game and just sitting there letting it stay on the game list. Talk about a sad, pathetic man, who goes that far out of their way to make false hacking claims? My guess....is that it was the one and only Pit-Bull_19, upset about me revealing him to the world, trying to get some revenge. Well, that is absolutely pitiful, and i think this dude is in desperate need of a girlfriend. Have a nice day,
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