YaO_MinG said...
This is a comment I found back in my previous post (The Greatest BGH Player of All Time), and I believe it raise some interesting "point".
YaO_MinG said...
ryosuke sucks and hacks. I.play.for.food is good but not a legend. I myself game with akao87 and am better than him. Orphy9 is good but i dont know very well. Twins) Clan range from very good to kinda noobie, but never play without each other. And Pit_Bull19's opinion doenst matter because he hacks. I have rep back when PenguinPlug made hackers kill themselves. Ask YaO_MinG for rep. Quality players in my opinion are Chacal_Nitrus papas_fritas, evilnugget, hasu-gosu and many others. Although "The best" probably dont play anymore. Happy gaming...
Personally, I myself played some games with YaO_MinG long ago, and he was really someone who got my respect. Scary and massive offence, with tough and stuborn defence, YaO_MinG is undoubtely good, though I still don't know much about him in person.
Ok, back to the topic we are discussing now. YaO_Ming said... Pit_Bull19 hacks, and he posses the replays of the "self-unallied" of Pit_Bull19. This is very interesting. I would greatly love to post this replay up for everyone viewing. And hopefully you (YaO_MinG) could send me the replays to my email (lousy.robot@gmail.com) or find me at Marlboro, US West. Thank you if I got the replay!!!
P:S For those who does not know what is the PenguinPlug, it is a 3rd party utilities made to counter someone who use Map-Hack. The guy who use Map-Hack will unallied himself leading to self-destruction. However, the PenguinPlug only work back in Patch 1.12. According to the creator of PenguinPlug, it is impossible to made another one for Patch 1.13 and please don't ask why.
P:S For those who does not know the players I mentioned above, they are regular 3vs3 BGH players in US West.
YaO_MinG said...
ryosuke sucks and hacks. I.play.for.food is good but not a legend. I myself game with akao87 and am better than him. Orphy9 is good but i dont know very well. Twins) Clan range from very good to kinda noobie, but never play without each other. And Pit_Bull19's opinion doenst matter because he hacks. I have rep back when PenguinPlug made hackers kill themselves. Ask YaO_MinG for rep. Quality players in my opinion are Chacal_Nitrus papas_fritas, evilnugget, hasu-gosu and many others. Although "The best" probably dont play anymore. Happy gaming...
Personally, I myself played some games with YaO_MinG long ago, and he was really someone who got my respect. Scary and massive offence, with tough and stuborn defence, YaO_MinG is undoubtely good, though I still don't know much about him in person.
Ok, back to the topic we are discussing now. YaO_Ming said... Pit_Bull19 hacks, and he posses the replays of the "self-unallied" of Pit_Bull19. This is very interesting. I would greatly love to post this replay up for everyone viewing. And hopefully you (YaO_MinG) could send me the replays to my email (lousy.robot@gmail.com) or find me at Marlboro, US West. Thank you if I got the replay!!!
P:S For those who does not know what is the PenguinPlug, it is a 3rd party utilities made to counter someone who use Map-Hack. The guy who use Map-Hack will unallied himself leading to self-destruction. However, the PenguinPlug only work back in Patch 1.12. According to the creator of PenguinPlug, it is impossible to made another one for Patch 1.13 and please don't ask why.
P:S For those who does not know the players I mentioned above, they are regular 3vs3 BGH players in US West.
At December 09, 2005 12:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
personally ive gamed with yao serveral times, an not once has he got top score, maybe his 1v1 is well, but his team play in my opinion is horrible, we gamed a 4v4 just yesterday an he kept trying to tank drop at 1 this makes sense now if thats wut he was trying to do for u, but he never droped it, never participated in tha game, only confirmed "do i care?" "its just a game" "ive been on tha phone an afk for almost 10 minutes" nice partner in a 4v4 right? gl gaming with yao fellas i wont b a part of that team
At December 09, 2005 2:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
hahaha Marlb0r0 is such a little girl. In 4v4 u should be able to win with one of ur allies on the phone. And yes, i was on the phone, shit happens, deal with it. And P.S. i didnt move for about 10 minutes and still outscored MARLB0R0....point being, he sucks and whines like a bitch...THx
Happy Gaming....YaO
At December 09, 2005 2:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
Some Random comments. lousy_robot i sent you the rep of Pit-bull19 killing himself, and i wanted to clarify my comments on the best BGH player of all time. I know many gamers who are better than those i listed, including: PowerHouse, X-Men-Rain, Vi3t-Pride, and Rion_Tireth. These gamers simply concentrate on mostly PGT maps and only bgh for shits and giggles. They are probably better overall gamers than the bgh legendz, and chances are could own them 1v1 on any map including BGH. And by the way, there is a trick to dropping 6tanks at 7 and 2tanks at 1, unforunately the trick is difficult to explain in text. So ill just give yall a hint and you can experiment for yourselves: the key is WAYPOINTS. Also, there are 2 cliff areas at 5 that you can drop on, the obvious one and another which can avoid the sunkens what would hit the other cliff. Meaning: they can defend their cliff all the way and still cant touch you when you drop at this place. Ill send a screenshot when i can.
P.S. lousy_robot im flattered at your comments about my game, especially the "Scary and massive offense." I always get frustrated at allies who dont play offense, I always say the best defense is a good offense. Anyways, thanks and i got lots of good reps of inhouse and such, just ask.
P.S.S. One more thing, i recently discovered that channel" Motel @USEast is the "Marlboro" of East. Just FYI. Happy gaming...
At December 09, 2005 3:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
lol easy to out score when im hit with 4vs me cause u turtled in a 4v4 while me an one other are trying to hold mid. all for u to tank drop which didnt work cause yer clueless as to how to do it, those still shots arent even of u, an to b honest yer team play sucks balls ask anyone, no one in marlboro will back u up except chacal an i hate to tell ya that boys just as bad as u lol. u guys should go back to team liquid an learn built order, both of u have to b tha slowest at tanking ive ever seen. gj out scoring a partner who is no longer in tha game lol i would hope u would. to end this fued once an for all its simple....dont join games if yer not playing to play. id take a newb over that any day
At December 09, 2005 6:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
MARLB0R0 doensnt even deserve a response to that one, because as anyone can see, those tank drop stillshots are of me, you can ask the Webmaster and he will confirm it. And feel free to ask people how i am as an ally, most of them will say that i am a dependable ally, that is unless i have to go afk for an unexpected reason, which happens to everyone from time to time. And MARLB0R0 you died first because you suck, and as soon as you died the rest of the team left, so my afk score was above your trying but getting owned score. Nice try though, and gg. My final respose to MARLB0R0 is this: Close your legs bitch, i can smell your pussy from here. Happy gaming...
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