LadSy said...
LadSy said...
I've made up my mind.. apm of over 110 in bgh = extra clicking.. thats all it is... there is no practical reason you need an apm of over 110.
December 11, 2005 6:51 AM
The above comment can be found back on last Friday in European Gosus Replay blog. I think what LadSy said... wasn't that correct. There is no such thing as extra clicking because clicks or keyboard press that have not actually produce, operate, or command something will be NOT be consider as part of the APM. It will be reduced out, and these extra clicking are represent as null. You can find the null value inside bwchart.
However, I believe that wasn't what LadSy trying to say about extra clicking. In LadSy opinion, we just don't need an APM of over 110 because an APM of 110 is enough - especially in a map like BGH. Frankly speaking, I disagree 100%. APM means action per minutes. You could not get a high apm by "simply clicking" without good objectives. Good objectives mean commanding your units and buildings in some really "useful way". You also needs handspeeds, reflexes, and eye coordinations in order to achieve a high APM.
I have played with some of the best Malaysian Starcraft gamers in BGH map. These are not decent gamers, and they were participating in WCG every year. My APM is about 110. Their APM varies from 200 - 250. Look, these are NOT extra clicking. These actually mean that they did twice as much as I can do. These mean they are able to command, build, and produce twice as effective as I can. I am using shortcuts of 1-3, while they are using 1-10. And amazingly, they could use only their left hand to type 1a2a3a4a5a6a7a8a9a0a in between 1-2 seconds. Playing with them in BGH maps are like nightmares.
No BGHers newbies have APM of above 100. And according to some contrary, your APM will begin to drop and hardy increase when you get pass 21 years old.
At December 11, 2005 6:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
when it comes to pro low users like yellow, nada, reach, xellos..ect
their apm being 200-450, its possible to see what they use this apm for by viewing replay in bwchart. I noticed that mostly of these gamers had the following:
distribution of apm:
Hotkey 35%
Movement 30%
Select 20%
Attack move 4%
Train 3%
Set rally 3%
The rest divided by other types.
As a Hunters/BGH player myself i had to look at our replays to see what we use our amp for.
Im now talking about European BGH/Hunters players.
The biggest difference was that our movement stands for almost 50% of our amp, not many bgh users use as much hotkeys as pro gamers. Select and hot keys came second with aound 10-20% each.
Funny thing was that our attack move nearly reaches 10% often ;) Send army "attack" to enemy base^^.
Ive seen ppl being very good and having as low as 100 apm, and the other way around ppl with 250 sucking^^.
The best bghers in europe have about 120-200 and they mostly use protoss, a bit zerg, not much terran.
Ladsy you should see an european goonuser in a P fight. then tell us if you think amp matters;)
At December 12, 2005 12:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
x-men rain?? has a huge apm. All my comments were made in refernce to the map bgh.. if anyone wants me to show them how to get a 400+ apm in a bgh game just ask.. i'll do it pretty damn easily..
At December 12, 2005 12:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
Also, lousy i also mean that on bgh.. a ~110 apm player could easily match and/or beat a player with 200apm.
wcg people.. are not part of our bgh community they are pro's.. they play against top players in lt and prolly play everyday in several competitions.. not for fun.. they've memmorised build orders and concentrate 100% on the game..
i don't give a @#$% about bgh.. its a game to play for fun.. not to win a competition and make money.. in the average bgh game most of us only concentrate for 30% of the time.. the rest is spent eating, drinking, chatting, looking at what somone else is doing or listening to music.
please leave pro sc players out of this.
At December 12, 2005 1:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
The thing is Ladsy,
We are playing for fun.
And yes a 100apm player could beat a 200.
No1 here is trying to get a high apm, they play normally.
I'd like to state that there is more unit movment done for those bgh gamers with higher apm, but like you said--> even if you move more it doesnt have to mean you're any good. You could be a complete retard.
Think this case through though:
A clever BGh gamer, with a great unit controll while building and producing all at the same time, now think if it is all done faster.
BGH gamers biggest weakness is that they dont build in base while controlling their units. Some do, slow, some are fast as hell switching back from base to units throughout the game. This gets ur
apm up. Now is this a bad thing?
Players training controll of units more in everygame highend their apm whether they want or not. Like i said before, movement was half of their actions. And having hotkeys in order makes you controll units even better.
At December 12, 2005 2:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
i agree with you completely.. i never said a high apm was bad.. just that you dnt exactly need to give it any notice.. its just another stupid figure.. but i guess its much more important now due to "hacks" which take out.. element of supprise.. and other tihngs like that..
At December 12, 2005 4:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
So who is best of the Xmen clan ? are the anygood ?
At December 12, 2005 5:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
i said fool.. and what does this have to do with anything we are dsicussing.. : X-Men-Rain pwns all.
even he with an apm of ~300 said that anything more than 90apm is just spam clicking due to our imperfection of being human.. ie a robot would have 90apm ;)
At December 12, 2005 6:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
dude.. rain = B+ = pro.. end of discussion..
A = koreans gamers, A+ = nada, boxer, yellow!
plus most of his apm points are due to his excelent hotkey micro/macro.
can we please go back to the basics.. back to the average marlboro gamer.. stop admiring gosu's. seriously.. I dnt give a @$#%ing #$%$ about boxer or nada ;).
At December 13, 2005 4:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
If your APM is higher, it just shows that you're panicking and all those extra clicks that are useless.
Players with APM below 100 are more dangerous.
At December 13, 2005 5:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
apm is a tool for fun.. and competing with others to see who can make there lings dance the most in bgh..
It is not any reliable stat that should be considered.. please lousy get over it man..
if you really care about apm.. go play a slow money map on pgt..
the funniest thing i've seen on bnet is a guy advertising a "fastest possible map game" for those with apm's over 300.. i was like.. ROFL.
At December 13, 2005 6:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
Oh man, the APM debate. :)
I find it funny when people rant about people with high APM. I wonder who came up with this silly idea about calculating APM anyway.
One thing for sure is that people with high APM are very aggressive/hyper but that doesn't mean they're [smart] players.
During intense battle of course the good and smart players will control all of his men and this is the time that his/her APM jump high, then it slow down afterward. Some people are very religious about their APM and will constantly check their replay to find out if their APM is above 100, if not they will be very disappointed.
I've never care about APM and during intense battle my APM jumps to 100-120 (no more) and when the battle ceased it goes back to around 50.
I use my brain more than my hands.
Just a thought.
At December 13, 2005 9:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
thx for that, please use ur name "click on other" and type it in.. good comment.. i found that intresting..
i sort of check my apm after most games where i tihnk i play good and after 1v1's its mostly so i can compare and see if apm actually means sometihng..
in most games i get higher than my opponent (1v1) but.. i still lose.. rofl.. hover i dnt over click or anything.. maybe when i really want my probe to move its ass... but thats it.
cheers mate :)
At December 13, 2005 12:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
Even if APM is accurate, it does not mean high APM must win low APM. This game talking about strategy and technique, it is not fighting APM or movement.
But of course logically, high APM will have more chance to win. Low APM win 1 or 2 games does not mean anything.
At December 13, 2005 9:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
i'd happily present you with several replays of 80 apm beating 120-150 apm players in lotem.
prolly not bgh.. because its all massing and marco.. and a little micro
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