SCV Rush
When you have 3 Terrans on your team... what do you do? If executed properly (which we almost did) it would be devastating to the opponents. I'm still practicing SCV rushing, but check out the replay here: Yes, I ended up losing the game because the 3rd player did not execute correctly.
At December 19, 2005 5:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
scv rush is like.... sucky game. Whats the point of joining a game. Go rather do some schoolwork, loser.
At December 20, 2005 4:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
Use as much workers rush as you want. Just don't blame on workers when you lose which is the most common excuse.
"Hey can't you see? I wasn't serious that was why I used workers on you earlier."
Remember, if you workers rush and lost keep quiet...
Now to the reasons why people workers rush:
1: Zerg was sitting right next to them unaware and the overlord shows up and you had a feeling that he's rushing and you're behind with building Barrack, you will definately want to rush him since you can lift your building in case anyone come.
2: One of your opponents uses his worker to harass you and you got really pissed so you bring all you got and harass his base! Sometimes it works.
3: You got one Zerg ally on your team and he told you he's going to go fast Zerglings (9 pool) and you want to support him by bring a few workers to harass your opponent.
In an expert game, SCV rush makes thing interesting. I've both win and lost with SCV Rush.
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