Who's Hacking?
In a 3v3 inhouse marlboro game consisting of:
Gly, Lovebrance, ChinaJapanKorea (me)
sckingx, killer[a]nt, (i forget third)
I could not save the replay. That means someone hacks. TM_Glycerine can vouch that someone hacks also, who is it? We don't know. Beware when playing vs. sckingx and killer[a]nt. I vaguely remember replay-save crashing in the past when I played vs. sckingx. Honestly, compared to marlboro players, I'm a n00b. My record as of today is like 725-701. I lose a lot, and I know that I'm not great, so I have no motive for accusing someone of hacking just because I am being a sore loser.
Gly, Lovebrance, ChinaJapanKorea (me)
sckingx, killer[a]nt, (i forget third)
I could not save the replay. That means someone hacks. TM_Glycerine can vouch that someone hacks also, who is it? We don't know. Beware when playing vs. sckingx and killer[a]nt. I vaguely remember replay-save crashing in the past when I played vs. sckingx. Honestly, compared to marlboro players, I'm a n00b. My record as of today is like 725-701. I lose a lot, and I know that I'm not great, so I have no motive for accusing someone of hacking just because I am being a sore loser.
At December 21, 2005 1:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
Lousy if you can't save games it doesn't mean than some1 hacks.It happens all the time on europe.it's because some1 is using 3rd.party program, such as penguin plugin, bwchart live, etc.
Just Download penguin plug, then you can save every replay, and you won't get corrupt Reps.
At December 21, 2005 2:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
If you cant save replay it means that its been corupted. There are a lots of ways this can happen, like bic said thirdparty progs. Many of these things that corrupt replays are naturalgamebugs. There are only like 2 og 500 reps that wont be saved with peguin, its an anticoruptreplay prog with a bunch of other utilities. Never again lose that cool rep!;)
most new hacks out there are clientbased which means it wont be saved in replays.
At December 21, 2005 2:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
At December 21, 2005 3:06 AM,
Anonymous said…
wasnt lousys post it was chinas but yea ive been hearing that same thing about replays i always thought hack to, but technically a third party prog of any kinda is considered hack lol...just a matter of wut kinda. i could never get peguin to work dunno y. but good post china, u def arent tha best player in marlboro but its good that u dont act like it an u admit u need work. i respect that. ggs
At December 21, 2005 5:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
most of the times it's NOT because of hack, but rather if the replay is corrupted by overflow of action (which is fixed by penguin normally)
At December 21, 2005 6:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
Fucking West/East bgh kids dont think a Second before they start Hack Accusations based on äh what?
Note now and forever:
Just because you all you use any Hack you can get your Fingers On, from Map over Lag and Disc to Mineral hack does not mean it is the source of all evil in Battle net.
Yes Replays can crash without any hack.
Yes Players can drop without any hack.
Yes Games can lag without Anyone using Hack.
In fact its highly unlikely that lag is caused by a hack or in any other Way intentionally, esspecially if it doesnt go on and off at strage Points in the game.
It is also pretty unlikely that a Hack causes Replay crash. Much more likely that its just some players clicking arroung like mad and bugging the Replay therefore.
And by the way if someone wins against you also does not mean your Opponent hacks.
Its just stupid everyone knows East and West got hacker Quotes close to 50%. Still no Reason to blame Hack for basically Anything.
Im tired of hearing "you hack" after EVERY working Drop.
Im tired of hearing "thats what hapens to hackers" whenever someone drops of the game.
Im tired of profiles or even Chanel Spam bots with really stupid Hackerlists, that basically accuse any better Player.
Guess what sometimes its really Skill or Luck, not Maphack that explains great Moves.
Works the other way round too by the way, just because someone dies stupid, is no proof he is not hacking.
At December 21, 2005 9:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
And because you cant catch them that easy, you simply accuse randomly anyone thats better then you, you just lost to or you just dont like ?
If you do so, you are part of the Majority on east.
At December 21, 2005 10:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Replays Crash because people in there made a lot of clicking like commanding their workers to get mineral very fast and then suddenly a lag box appears and when it vanished that is where it crashed.
I am with Grumel on this, I'm tired of people accusing you of hacking when you're just too dam good with the game. Man, someone start a forum I feel like ranting.
Brute Force
There's a thing called Brute force (newbies! if you're reading this)
Brute Force means you attack or look for your opponents blindly, sometimes you hit them right on and other times you missed. When you hit them right on there will be a problem and that is accusing you of hacking. I feel like slaming their comp and throw it out the window whenever I hear "You hack!".
Now why do people say that? Because you didn't explore them with a "worker". My goodness... can't you see? I'm exploring you right now, with 6 lings or 12 marines. Why do I have to use a worker to explore you? I don't explore with workers, I explore with a bunch of men.
That's what people don't get.
Newbies, you there? There's a thing called "Deduction". I'm at 11 and my allies are at 12 and 1.
If I explored 9 and 3 and nobody is there, where else could you be?
Yes, experience matters, I've played all 3 races for a very long time and I know what people build or will build just by looking at their base/structures, I even know what they're going to do next! This allows me to counter it ahead of time.
If I'm playing against 2 Zergs, it's obvious that I need mass Goliaths to counter those Muta or Lings since there's a high probability that one of them will go Muta. The funny thing is that they say I hack once my goliaths start showing up.
"How did you know I go Muta? You haven't explored me yet."
The objective of this game is to attack your opponent's weak points. All race have a weak point and a strong point, when you're strong in A you're weak in B. When you're strong in B you're weak in A. An experienced player always seek for your weak point and attack it. If all your men are outside it means your base is empty and that is the weak point and a drop can kill you so don't say people hack when all your men are outside and suddenly dropships start flying right into your main base. It's not a hack so do not accuse...
I am well aware that there are a lot of people who hack and there's not much we can do about it. I've played a lot of games where I thought my opponents hack , then later having watched the replay turned out that they didn't. I do not accuse people of hacking while in game, I do that AFTER I carefully analyzed the replay and I do do that if the game I just played is worth checking.
So, my point is: If you're in the game, focus and play. If you have feeling that someone is hacking then analyze the Replay to find out, don't piss experience players. It's annoying.
At December 21, 2005 10:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
By the way, that post above is not targeting anyone here.
At December 21, 2005 11:14 AM,
lousy_robot said…
ChinaJapanKorea, please post something or an accussition with solid proof and concrete evidence. Like again, this is not a personal one-man-blog... so please consider before you post any quality post.
At December 21, 2005 11:19 AM,
lousy_robot said…
I might also consider to remove this post from the blog as it really show unmaturity and naiveness.
At December 21, 2005 12:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hehe. Sorry for the bad tones.
I wasn't targeting anyone here in particular, just something I've always wanted to say.
>> i tell that to those who accuse me of hacking but I doubt they'd ever follow my advice <<
You are right. People won't bother checking the replay and I don't know how to deal with this kind of people other than to say "If you're not going to watch the replay then you have no right to accuse me." and play on.
If the person continues to harass you I think it's best to put him/her into ignore list that way it doesn't take away your concentration but we rarely do that, infact we don't.
Anyone here have a better solution?
At December 21, 2005 5:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
nice comment genie
At December 22, 2005 1:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
genie ive gamed with u enough, to know yer not newb but when i read yer comment...u just send yer sqaud blind to a spot? that sounds kinda newb lol. i understand that if scouted u can tell wut they build to a point. so u know how to counter. but to hit blind with no scout once so ever to "Deduct" other areas out? doesnt sound very y's to me. also when two zerg lol mass vessels :) takes care all zerg problems ggs
At December 22, 2005 3:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
Marl don't forget that this is BGH and in BGH weird things happen. ;)
At December 22, 2005 6:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ok. I will clear this hacking problem up right now.
I (Scions NOW anti-hacker) used to LOVE to hack on a different account, but I'd leave game aka loss account, and would never kill anyone. Now I used a program that TELLS who else hacks. And I can personally tell you more than 50% of StarCraft NEWBS hack. Now I can tell you StarCraft pro's sometimes hack too, I could name a few on both account's, but because I am a nice guy and only dissing myself in this profile, I won't name anyone from Marlboro ^^ But I can tell you that at least 12-normal people in marlboro hack. 3: Now that I am pure-anti-hack don't act like I can't see that you hack. There is such thing as luck. But when u can avoid an army, a million times in a row, drop in places not there, and just dont search ~_~ defeats the point?
Anyways: Hacker's are hacker's
Get over it
There there always will be
Defeat them, and be glad you did
Get a life: We all need one (including me, wanna donate me one?)
I'd also like to include:
Any hacker' I see with Zerg Mineral Hack has been reported to b.net.
Any person I KNOW for A FACT, as in there si NO WAY they don't hack, and i see them do it IN 2 GAMES I report.
I report nearly 2 users a week.
~+~ People don't report people who are better than you ~+~
~+~ People, sometimes there is luck, Believe it ~+~
~+~ Not ever problem in starcraft is related to hacking ~+~
~+~ Some problems are ~+~
~+~ I really really need to get out more don't I? ~+~
~_~ I RUN PENGUIN PLUG 24-7 ~_~
So don't blame when I start saying fuck because it says the rocks are hacking because a zealot starting moving ~_~
At December 25, 2005 9:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
You can't really tell if a player hack just by watching replays. I know replay is a good way to do your research before you accuse your opponents but it's not 100% accurate.
Some people can hack and pretend to send a worker to an empty spot since he's well aware that you will save replay and watch it later. So you see, when you finally watched the replay and saw his scv explored empty spot you immediately..... close the replay.
Instead of accusing people of hacking why not learn how to play against hackers? Every game that I play I assume that my opponents know where I am. That's why I'm not afraid of telling them where I am. In fact, I sometimes tell them where my allies are in text when the game started.
If you are a real thinker, you won't hack because you don't find hacking to be challenging. You find that it take away your real ability to "think".
Those who cannot think will use hack because they believe that Hack will give them advantages. Now this is where things get interesting. People who hack are constantly looking at your base thus takes away his concentration. Instead of concentrating on his own base he is concentrating on you (which is a big mistake for him/her). What you should do is team up with your allies and mess with the hacker's mind.
When fight against hackers, don't use force. Use your head because he has no micro or macro skill. If he does, he wouldn't hack in the first place!
And if he is a pro with good micro and macro skill and he still hacks, let him hack! Let him be on top, let him be famous with his win. Praise him! Cause deep down he knows he suck.
At June 10, 2011 2:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
lovebrance was the hacker and hes on your team. thats why you never suspected him?
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