Starcraft BGH 'ers

News for BGHers. Stuff that matters.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

SUBMIT Your Starcraft's Table Now

Hello guys, ever wonder where am I playing? I mean the table that I am using, chair that I am sitting, mouse and keyboard that I am holding, size of the monitor that I viewing, speaker or headset that I am listening to, and of course the whole environment, ambient, and lighting that I am at when I am playing Starcraft.

A picture paints a thousand words, below is the picture of where I used to play Starcraft in my hometown... not workplace.

As you can see, I'd got a clean table, totally no distraction at all when I am playing Starcraft. A 17" inch monitor is just big enough for viewing to where my SCV goes. I don't have speaker, but only an Altec Lensing headset, so it don't distract no one when I played in the middle of the night. With mouse and keyboard from Logitech, it just guarantees that I get a total grip of the game. No cabling is required for network, I am using wireless ^_^ and it don't guarantee 0% lagness... too bad. Lastly, I plays with my butt on the bed, no chair at all.

How about you? Submit us a picture of yours. I will compile everyone's picture that sent to me (, before 12 February 2006 - and post it in this blog. Be ready with some descriptions of the "place" in the picture that you will send me.

There will be a winner picture and he/she will receive a prize of USD $100.00. Who is going to sponsor it? Yes, I had talked to Blizzard and they agreed to pay for the winner prize. However, terms and conditions apply. (I am just kidding)

So what are you waiting for? Send your Starcraft's table picture to my mail box now at before 12 February 2006.


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