Best Combination of Races in 3vs3 BGH
We've always heard of opinion that BGH is a Protoss map. Yes, most probably due less-cliffs and wide space of ground, plus the unlimited money you can gather. This context may be true when it applies to a 1on1 scenario. But hey, what about a 3on3?
A new poll have just been setup in this blog (scroll down and you can see, is on your right) to get an overall view from the BGH community on "the best combination of races in 3vs3 BGH".
Make sure you put your vote there carefully as I have limited for each person to have only one vote. Happy voting.
A new poll have just been setup in this blog (scroll down and you can see, is on your right) to get an overall view from the BGH community on "the best combination of races in 3vs3 BGH".
Make sure you put your vote there carefully as I have limited for each person to have only one vote. Happy voting.
At January 05, 2006 12:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
So some say PPP >> all and others say PPT is the best. I say it's 3 races combined that make the best combination. Forgetting the obvious aren't we?
Protoss are very strong by default. Controlling those Zealots isn't that difficult and I think this is the reason why people say BGH is a Protoss map. If you use forces against 3 Protoss you will lose! There is no way you can win them face to face. Your chance to win is with defense but people don't go defense because they all want to be a hero and fight Zealots face to face. This is the problem! Stop trying to be cool and run after Zealots, I say run and hide.
When you play against 3 Protoss it's predictable that they all will go Zealots if they're all good. Some might even go early Dragoons (You got Tanks no worry) and even early DT (You got overlord no worry) and even Zealots (You got defense no worry).
Defend. Communicates and start dividing and conquer. What is Protoss going to do about that? But that's not how people play unfortunately so they all get men and go after Protoss and died.
---> copy and make it one line(no space):
This rep might not be the best example but it proves my point. Ignore the last part of the game... the two got into an unnecessary argument.
At January 06, 2006 8:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
I enjoy reading your comments G, sometimes i wonder if you're trying to be funny or being dead serious.
IF YO DEFEND VS 3 TOSS, THEY GO 1 XPAND EACH, HIGH TEMPLARS, OBSERVERS AND STAY IN CENTER WITH MAYBE 999 CANONS. And by the way, its very hard for a zerg to defend zvppp when your allies(terran and protoss) are in their own base conisting og twelve bunkers and 45 canons. Fast goons vs you terran, you answered with tanks "right"?
well answer me how this 1 tank kan stop 20 zealots and 5 dragoons from killing your supply and thus entering your strong hold?
tpz can build army at the beginning and kick ppp, but this is very hard, because you must not lose any units and be able to attack where it hurts the ppp. The thing with ppp is that one of the p can contain 2 of you while the other pp killes the third of your dream team allies, running straight over whatever defence you think you can build.
In a perfect world your theory would work:]
Im just telling you what ive learned from experience(9k games) and you dont have to follow my advice G^^ if you dont want to.
At January 20, 2006 7:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
Best combination of spots - 11 and 12. I would take T/P at 11/12 over PPP.
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