Cobo on BGH
Just a moment ago, while I was playing a public game with no one, Cobo joined the game. Who the heck is Cobo? Ohh well, Cobo is a Malaysian Starcraft gamer, and he is the two time WCG Malaysia 1st Runner up this and last year.
Talking about real gosu, Cobo is probably one of them. He is going to be 18 soon and wouldn't quit Starcraft just yet. Probably, you will see him in WCG Grand Final next year. His race, Protoss. And his Protoss is argueably no1 and no2 in Malaysia. I wonder if BGHer kOOlam can beat him? This is really an interesting one if they both met.
If you are interested more about him, how handsome he is, what's his hobbies, and of course what's his view for Starcraft, here's an interview made by Mygozone with Cobo early this year. Follow the link
And of course, I managed to have a game and two with him. The reps? Nothing interesting about it, but if you insisted to see some of his skills, then download it from the links below.
Talking about real gosu, Cobo is probably one of them. He is going to be 18 soon and wouldn't quit Starcraft just yet. Probably, you will see him in WCG Grand Final next year. His race, Protoss. And his Protoss is argueably no1 and no2 in Malaysia. I wonder if BGHer kOOlam can beat him? This is really an interesting one if they both met.
If you are interested more about him, how handsome he is, what's his hobbies, and of course what's his view for Starcraft, here's an interview made by Mygozone with Cobo early this year. Follow the link
And of course, I managed to have a game and two with him. The reps? Nothing interesting about it, but if you insisted to see some of his skills, then download it from the links below.
At December 23, 2005 11:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
Oh? Cobo is so top in Malaysia? Long time ago play with him, don't feel he is so expert, just a normal gosu... I thought he not playing anymore...
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