Good Race, Good Position, High APM vs Bad Race. Bad Position, Low APM
Here's a replay I received yesterday from alvin(v)peirong featuring a battle of
TZP at 9, 11, 12 vs TZT at 5, 6, 1.
It has to be state here that none of these players are noobs, and they could play BGH finely with lots of drop, counter, units, and survival skills. The first team TZP which consist of aus.cold (P) posses an APM of 191 with max APM of 353.
From the information you gathered from the above information, the winning could be favoured to the TZP team at 9, 11, 12. But this is not it. In the middle of the game, the TZT team lost the Terran at 6 (though he is not totally dead), and their units are way below TZP team. But in the end of the game, the TZT team won.
It could be concluded here that tactics, teamwork, and intelligents are very much important compared to a good race, good position and high APM. Wouldn't you agree? Yes? No?
See the replay yourself at:
TZP at 9, 11, 12 vs TZT at 5, 6, 1.
It has to be state here that none of these players are noobs, and they could play BGH finely with lots of drop, counter, units, and survival skills. The first team TZP which consist of aus.cold (P) posses an APM of 191 with max APM of 353.
From the information you gathered from the above information, the winning could be favoured to the TZP team at 9, 11, 12. But this is not it. In the middle of the game, the TZT team lost the Terran at 6 (though he is not totally dead), and their units are way below TZP team. But in the end of the game, the TZT team won.
It could be concluded here that tactics, teamwork, and intelligents are very much important compared to a good race, good position and high APM. Wouldn't you agree? Yes? No?
See the replay yourself at:
At December 30, 2005 3:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
good to see they show the only game they won, the rest of the games were rape.
At December 30, 2005 7:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oneday I was playing Zerg against someone in an LT map and lost one of my overlord. Immediately I knew the difference between a BGH map and a non-BGH map.
Losing a hatch or an Overlord in a BGH map is nothing but in a non-BGH it's everything and this is the key difference. Playing non-BGHs requires that you know your build orders, advantages/disadvantages of each races in a given map and RaceA vs RaceB strategy and so on.
That's the reason why I don't play non-BGH because I only play SC for fun and I want to be able to "THINK" Freely. When you play and have to think about build orders and Race vs Race strategy you are not thinking "Freely". Obviously, those who knows build orders, Race vs Race strategy has advantage over those who don't know anything about it!
BGH on the other hand allows people like me who don't have the time to study build orders/Race vs Race to play freely. In a BGH map the outcomes are endless! Anything can happen and anything can be fixed and anything can be done.
Just be alert and conscious of your opponents and what he/she are up to and play accordingly.
So what if I built 3 pylons at start of game?
At December 31, 2005 12:42 AM,
lousy_robot said…
You are absolutely right genie. Those who play non-BGH have no other combination of initial tactics (or perhaps less).
TvP - Fac vs Goons
TvZ - Bar vs Lurker + Muta
PvZ - Zealot vs Hydra
TvT - See who push tank or drop first
PvP - Goons forever (reaver secondary, or perhas a DT or two)
ZvZ - Zergling, Muta, Scourges
The fact that a 3vs3 in BGH can yield many combinations that offers hell lot of fun than a non-BGH map.
At December 31, 2005 5:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
sorry ar i only save this game la ... cos wan scold neoanderson .
At December 31, 2005 6:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
>> if you built 3 pylons at the start of the game and i was on your team, i'd consider quitting and joining another more enjoyable game <<
See, this is what I'm saying! People tend to give up or quit because it's weird to them to see people build 3 pylons. Keep in mind that it's BGH and I can build a forge anytime to defend myself. If they attack me both my allies attack them (assuming that they have men ready which they should!).
Basically you can control the outcomes in BGH via communications with your allies and both of them must be very good with BGH otherwise you wouldn't be doing things like 3 pylons or expand very early in game.
Mouse like to go after Cheese. Normally when you play like that you are being the cheese and mouse will go after you. In game I let my allies know ahead of time if I get attacked COUNTER right away!
There are no wrong moves in BGH. Only bad communications.
At December 31, 2005 1:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ok I got two replays to prove my point.
--> copy it and make it one line
note: no space
Replays work here, I hope it doesn't corrupt on your side.
Team were: Tm.91, Genie), gosuchobo vs Rest. Just finished playing and now posting it here.
The one were I was ZERG I did a bit of humour in there so, follow the drone if you want to laugh. I had a plan of taking out Yellow that was why I told my allies to kill 11 because I knew that yellow would bring out his men and have his base emptied. Perfect for my waiting Zerglings.
I did the expansion at brown because my main base was very far and no one would come to get me. If they did, it would take them a lot of walking and in this timeframe my allies could have countered and take down one of my opponents' base. If I lose my main base I still have one at brown (the expansion).
IF nobody came to my main base then I would just focus on my expansion and give brown defense and in the end I will be strong because I got two bases. It was a win regardless of the build orders or race.
I have no comment for this one because RED was new after watching the replay. However, the outcome was predicted and everything I did in there was for a reason. Like building a pylon at 12 (white zerg) and a cannon and cancelled it.
Why? Because white went zergling and by forcing him to lose another drone and $75 that will slow him down for sure.
At January 01, 2006 6:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
Genie you got no plan of broodwar.
There are definitly more ways to win on low maps then on bgh against a player on your own level.
Newbie Bashing with any kind of shit is basicaly Possible on every map.
Doesnt change that good bgh Games basically consist of Zealots and Goons only.
At January 02, 2006 10:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
If I were to play 1v1 with anyone here in non-BGH I think I will die in an instance.
Reason: I have no knowledge of Build orders. I have no knowledge of RaceA vs RaceB strategies.
BGH is bad to most people because its all Zealots and Dragoons and killing without any "real" thinking. That is true if you're playing against Public people but for Inhouse game it's really interesting to see men going after each others.
About outcomes in non-BGH, you've changed my mind slightly so I have no comments.
At January 06, 2006 7:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
U must have never seen experts play if u think these people are good. Anyways, experts don't come on this website.
At August 09, 2006 9:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
seriously for playing against most public i just use 80% of my gaming strat, and i also consider 2 public = 1 professional player whiles i have 2 marlboro peepz on my team, i dont really need to use my brain as much as playing inny. whiles for inny i consider it as 3v3 fair team or sometime non fair team because sometime while inny i dont know most of my team mate and the opponent has full known about each other and are trained for 3v3 mostly i only inny if i know my team well... and sometime if i know my opponent well and know what unit they gona go for, i would just get all the counter unit and communicate with my ally telling them what the opponent is going to do. so it would be an easy wins for us.
by Knowing how ur opponent play will give you a great chance of winning an inny...
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