Poll Result: Best 3vs3 BGH Races Combination
After weeks of having our survey in from the poll, we'd finally came out with the conclusion of "What's the best combination of races in 3vs3 BGH?"

A total of 204 BGHers had participated in the poll and 36.3% of them had voted a triple Protoss as the best combination, following by double Protoss and a Terran (31.9%). Amazingly, nobody had ever voted a TTZ and a ZZP as the best combination.
P:S Though the results have finalized, I still stand still on my opinion that a PPT is the best combination. Haha, I am stubborn.
UPDATE (15 Jan 2006, 11pm): Here's an add-on arguement from Twins)sExY for the combination of PPP. Her arguement clearly stated that a PPP combo wasn't that good afterall - inside the replay below.
http://bgh.ausbc.net/request.php?12 [there's another bonus replay in the zip file featuring a battle of the Twins) clan]
At January 15, 2006 12:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
ive seen yer queens an they play well an i to love energy units i love dark archons my favorite, but with all that microing it takes to stop say 7 zealots, in an all out toss game eachplayer later on can pumpout 14-plus zealots each, energy runs out... money doesnt. protoss race is to strong to out macro regaurdless the very sexy micro...:)
At January 15, 2006 7:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
>> You cant win a high Level bgh just by trying to survive with choke hatch sunk shit and then drop 20 years later. <<
Then what is a better way to win PPP?
At January 15, 2006 10:28 PM,
lousy_robot said…
I agree with you (grumel), Protoss is really the backbone in a 3vs3 BGH. However, too much Protoss may lead to less variety of strategy. A participation of Terran in the game ensure more varieties in defend, helping in defend, and of cuz, drops at weak point. However, it doesn't matter, 2 Protoss in a team is already good enough, whether the 3rd is a Zerg or Terran or another Protoss, it don't matters a lot.
At January 17, 2006 11:31 AM,
lousy_robot said…
I have almost never use MM against Protoss. MM are never ever a good idea to play against Toss. It will always be mech.
Have you see any replays by Pros in low-money-map use MM vs Toss?
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