A Win Collector and A Lost Collector
Why is there such a guy that have so many wins and so little loses, and on the other hand there's another guy who's also decent, have such a big lost but little wins?
Big winners, with stats like 2863-241-105 are players that are really darn good. It's hardly for you to win them if they were with their friends when you are not. But the thing is, player like this never play alone in the public. Without their friends around, they change ID, an ID with lesser win, an ID uniquely for them to fool around. Records really matters to them, from honour, fame, and of course nice-to-look at. Their wins are not totally a pure win, most of the time they have allied end victory though they lost. Players like this lead a difficult life in Battle.net as they don't afford to take any loses. The game lag like hell, the last enemy probe hide his pylon somewhere, or is dinner time and his mum is yelling - this player have to finish the game no matter what, just for the sake of that 1 win.
Big losers, with stats like 241-3444-200 aren't really losing that much. I am a player like that and I know. Why do I kept such a losing record? Again, shamefully, its about nice-to-look at too. If I were to have a stats like 1503-1211-123, people can't actually suprise with it. And frankly, when I see someone with a record of 1503-1211-123, I woulda have think he is just normal, but not when he have 223-2700-123. Lost collector like me play a lot of public without a friend or friends... and I always wanted to play against friends in the home team which are damn arrogant about their winning streak... against noobs. There are advantages of being a lost collector. First, you can quit the game when you know your team has already won (look, I don't have time to search for the last pylon) and proceed to a new game. Second, I don't need to ask for a "2nd, 3rd, or anyone game?" in Marlboro Channel to play a game... as I am not a must-win-collector. Third, ohh well, winning or losing doesn't matter to my stats as it will always look "beautiful" - but I do hunger for winning... and I have always tried my best to win a game.
No matter how good a BGHer is, its hardly for him to have a high win ratio without friends and allied victory in an inhouse game. And when is the last time you see lovebrance (4003-1129-86) from US West playing without a friend of his around?
Big winners, with stats like 2863-241-105 are players that are really darn good. It's hardly for you to win them if they were with their friends when you are not. But the thing is, player like this never play alone in the public. Without their friends around, they change ID, an ID with lesser win, an ID uniquely for them to fool around. Records really matters to them, from honour, fame, and of course nice-to-look at. Their wins are not totally a pure win, most of the time they have allied end victory though they lost. Players like this lead a difficult life in Battle.net as they don't afford to take any loses. The game lag like hell, the last enemy probe hide his pylon somewhere, or is dinner time and his mum is yelling - this player have to finish the game no matter what, just for the sake of that 1 win.
Big losers, with stats like 241-3444-200 aren't really losing that much. I am a player like that and I know. Why do I kept such a losing record? Again, shamefully, its about nice-to-look at too. If I were to have a stats like 1503-1211-123, people can't actually suprise with it. And frankly, when I see someone with a record of 1503-1211-123, I woulda have think he is just normal, but not when he have 223-2700-123. Lost collector like me play a lot of public without a friend or friends... and I always wanted to play against friends in the home team which are damn arrogant about their winning streak... against noobs. There are advantages of being a lost collector. First, you can quit the game when you know your team has already won (look, I don't have time to search for the last pylon) and proceed to a new game. Second, I don't need to ask for a "2nd, 3rd, or anyone game?" in Marlboro Channel to play a game... as I am not a must-win-collector. Third, ohh well, winning or losing doesn't matter to my stats as it will always look "beautiful" - but I do hunger for winning... and I have always tried my best to win a game.
No matter how good a BGHer is, its hardly for him to have a high win ratio without friends and allied victory in an inhouse game. And when is the last time you see lovebrance (4003-1129-86) from US West playing without a friend of his around?
At January 04, 2006 10:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
You always point out that you dont care about tournaments etc.
But instead you care about Things like win/loose record and apm.
At January 04, 2006 11:05 PM,
lousy_robot said…
Yeah, I don't really joined tournament and etc, but I really wanted to know the results of other's tournament, like WCG.
About APM, I really envy others who have high APM. Because if I got higher APM, I will be able to do more things that I wanted to do. Got lot of strategies, but just couldn't execute it with low APM.
Win/lose record really is something that resembles someone personality... and I intend to create a personality to myself.
At January 05, 2006 12:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
>> but I do hunger for winning... and I have always tried my best to win a game. <<
And I hope that others do too!
No matter what rec you go by whether it's a losing record or a winning record always play your best. Give it your 100% best and use your brain. That's why you're playing it in the first place. Don't go in and fool around just because you're using a losing record. Your allies depend on you.
I'm saying this because I've played with those who has something like this in their profile: "Winning and Losing to me is the same. It's just a f** game. Chill."
This tells you that the person doesn't care and might not play their 100% best, afterall, winning and losing is the same thing to him/her... I hate this line of thinking...
At January 05, 2006 1:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
i totally agree with genie, an once again i'd like to throw out a warning to gaming with yao_ming for this exact reason. again ive heard it all from him. i was on tha phone. sorry went afk to CHECK THE MAIL!?!??! come on y are u gaming an walking away to check mail, even if its "just a game" respect yer allies enough to say hey im afk lol. at least so we know. instead u die in game. sorry i didnt join tha game to lose.....
At January 05, 2006 2:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
I've always theorized that loss-record accounts are created due to users' insecurities about their win/loss percentages. It's a lot easier to believe you are better then you really are when you have no genuine records to validate against.
At January 05, 2006 3:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
There are many reasons why people choose to have losing rec and I'm not against any of it (You should thank god that I don't rant about it). If they have the time to uncheck ally victory every games then they should do it (good exercise for the hand).
OK here's a reality check for people who don't take this game seriously:
There are people who work... yes, they work and when they log on they want to have a GOOD game, one that make their day. If you don't work and play SC all days long then ya, winning and losing mean nothing.
Allies depend on you otherwise they would go 1v1 with someone who can play seriously. Also off the download if it's causing lag (or limit the speed if you're on high speed). It's the same thing as not taking the game seriously.
If you are that person, give it a second thought.
At January 05, 2006 12:56 PM,
lousy_robot said…
>>I've always theorized that loss-record accounts are created due to users' insecurities about their win/loss percentages. It's a lot easier to believe you are better then you really are when you have no genuine records to validate against.<<
Yeah, perhaps you are right. Insecurities is really whats make a player go for a lost collector.
At January 06, 2006 5:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
just to say in defense to lousy about people with good recs only game with friends, u can almost always find me in public games joining as soon as i get on an such. i think thats one of the best ways to play, joining a complete public game. ive even got stacked before by home team an left for that reason. i want it as fair as tha enterance is. i have many replays where its 3 vs just me an ive come out on top. home team may have been a lil newb at times but if its still 3v me my team wasnt anything to brag at, an i still get tha job done to have a 3000-900-200 something rec. win loss recs it totally up to the player but i prefer to let my games show themself.
At January 06, 2006 1:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
ye, most big winners are shamless middle skilled fragots enjoying torching newbies. they never play without out their fucking partners.I, as a loss collector,enjoyed teaching them a lesson if partner not really sux.lol
At January 06, 2006 7:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hmm no marlb0r0. Why do u have to lie. Don't even know how u got that record of yours u aren't even good. And you always leave whenever u see experts on the home team that makes it very annoying u know?
At January 06, 2006 11:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
well anonymous, brave of u to show yer face lol. an if u read that correctly i said that i join PUBLIC games not stacked home teams. vs me an two newbs. pointless game. i might not always play friend games. but im also not going to collect a loss for no reason. its clear three plays with 2k pls recs vs me an two john does with 2-6-3, an 12-54-6 doesnt take rocket science to know that wont b a fun, nore gg. so when yer done hiding behind tha only thing i hate about this site (being able to choose "anonymous") whisper me i'd love to see who calls me newb lol
At January 07, 2006 12:44 AM,
lousy_robot said…
Yeah me too, I really hate that "Anonymous Option" by blogger. However, I couldnt restricted it to only "Blogger" option as it will defeat the purpose of everyone can talk.
Haha, by the way Marlb0r0, when I am at your situation when there are 2noobs at my side, I can still played because I collect loses, and there is no guarantee of losing that game because sometimes the noobs hack (so chances of winning is available), and I hexa-tanks-drop one or two of their Protoss and their nexus gone... without 400 in bank.
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