Starcraft BGH 'ers

News for BGHers. Stuff that matters.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

To Expose and Dispose the Hackers

We all get very frustated when it comes to map-hackers, drop-hackers, money-hacker (this hack was fixed in our latest patch), and some other straaaaaange hacksssssss. You hate them, and everyone does... but you can't do anything about them. Calling them names, cursing them, and ban them were nothing unusual... but still, it is rather not enough.

Hence, I hope you could help us to expose theirs name in and dispose them in the

If you have evidences (replays) about someone who hack, will expose his names ( nickname) with the evidence (replay) you have right into this blog.

Summit your evidence (replay) and the guy name who you think is hacking to my email ( Remember to have a short description on what happen on the replays, who is hacking, who are you, and what patch you are using when you save this replay.

Thank you, and I am honour to have your dedication to
Waiting for your replays.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Stats Impressions

Its pretty funny that most people refer to someone as a newbie, hacker, or gosu(pro) by just looking at their records or even by their nick. Its bad to accuse - and please don't judge a book by its cover.

However, through my 6 years experiences in the, I believe stats really show something about the players. Examples are shown below.

If you saw someone with stats like: -

8-27-2 = most probably this guy is really a newbie... either he have a new account (with his low games played) or he is really new to But anyway, he is really a newbie (very likely). My experience tell me that there are rarely good player with such stats.

286-275-23 = this guy is good. He will not be a newbie, and he can make a good team partner. The reason his stats is not so superb (like 377-72-27) is because he don't play in a team. Most of the game he played were with unknown partners, but he still wins against a team of friends.

4-2-10 = this guy is a disconnector. He got disconnected (droped) almost half of the game he played. He may be a good player but he got banned in lot of games due to his lagness. Consequences from that, he always create new accounts to show his "innocents". My advise - ban this guy as soon as possible though he show no sign of lag.

2342-863-192 = this guy is unargueably good, but may not be good enough to show whether he is a real pro. It is very likely most of the games he played were with friends. But if you ever seeing him playing without his friends, then I would say he is 90% a real pro BGH players.

354-14-7 = OK. He is really good. But you will never see him playing without his friends around. Got that? So you can't team with him until he knows that you are as good as him. If he join your game, better becareful before you press START... as he might leave once the game start. Reasons are his friends is not in the game, or he found out that the opponent teams are a group of friends (with good stats). His record means his life, so he want to be very sure he will win this or else, he leave.

272-3291-94 = What with those losses? Is he a newbie that lost almost all his games? Never happen in Nobody lost that much and win that little. With experience of over few thousand games in the, this guy is never newbie now. The reasons why he have such loses is because he just quit it even when he wins. The reasons? Yes, there is reasons!

63-66-5 = Not much about this one. He may be very good as he has not partner with friends... but still wins.

1900-0-22 = He is not a comp stomper - even a stupid guy don't play that much with computers and wins all. He employs a "winbot" to help him with those wins. How about the 22 drops? Yeah, accidents happen - no electricity, broadband cut off, or his mum unplug the telephone line.

0-0-1000 = This guy simply don't exist.

That's it about "Stats Impressions". My analysis may not be true. However, if you like this short article, then follow me on as I will discuss on how to judge a player by just looking at his name in the next few days.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Zealot Over-neck

In case some of you had hitted the panic button when you were under Cannon rush by your Protoss enemy behind the minerals at 11, then here's a solution.
You don't have to send your Probes to attack that Pylon which has block your way to reach the enemy Probe or that Cannon that is soon hitting your Nexus. Your Zealot can actually "go above the screen" and walk through the enemy Pylon to hit the Cannon. Half of your Zealot body will be unseen in this case.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Tanks Drop at 7

Thanks to Mongo[Training] for showing me on how to drop tanks at 7. Besides dropping tanks on the cliff, Terran is able to drop 3 tanks behind the mineral as well.

Tips: Dropping tanks behind the mineral can be a bit tricky. Here's some tips. You should drop it ON TOP of the minerals, and not on the ground. This does not apply to all, but to certain spots (mineral) at 6, 7, and 9.

The Greatest BGH Player of All Time

There has been over 30'000 BGH players around the world. But ever wonder who is the greatest among them all?

There has never been an official tournament on BGH map at all. WCG, Pgtour, Nation War, Clan War had never recognized BGH. In that, the greatest BGH player in the will always remain unknown.

Should we have an official 1on1 and 3on3 tourney on BGH to determine this? Definately!

Thursday, November 24, 2005

US West: Marlboro

Marlboro channel in US West has been a place for BGHers from all over the world. You can find a handful of skillful BGH players over there. Many of them has been playing 3on3 on daily basis for over thousand of games.

However, the identity of the Marlboro founder is still remain mystery.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Terran strategy: Cliff drop around the clock

Terran tank drop on the cliff and behind the minerals has been a superb tactics againts your opponents in Big Game Hunters. Drops are often seen on 11, 9, 6, and 5 as they could be easily executed. But what about 1 and 7?

Dropping tanks on 1 and 7 cliffs can be extremly difficult and not many has successful did it, including myself.

If anyone know this trick, please posts in the comments and share with us on how you do it.

My love for the Big Game

I have spend for the past 6 years playing Big Game Hunters in never giving it up to games like Dota, Counter Strike, and Quake. The beautiful art behind Big Game Hunters is beyond the comprehension of any melee Starcraft players. This is why, popular Starcraft websites had never discussed anything about BGH.

Starcraft maps come and go, but never on Big Game Hunters. Lost Temple as one of the most popular melee map has even gone now. Melee players are concentrating more on new maps proposed by Blizzard, PgTour, and WCG - while 3vs3 BGH is forever to be remained loved, played, and enjoyed.

This blog will be dedicated to all Big Game Hunters players around the world. Together, we continue the legacy of the true Big Game.

stats count