Selling Account ID is selling Account ID for cash... and amazingly someone really buy from them. The owner of the website is M[o]H-Vietpho-, and he is also the founder of the clan M[o]H. Extensive information about the clan can be found from the website and I wonder do they really as popular as what they claim. Just like another typical with complicated features in the website, every member is given ranking - Admiral, General, Lieutenant General, and etc (ahh, do we really need these to make ourselves happy?). Other features, you checked yourself.
Ok, back to the topic (Selling Account ID), I never thought that it will work. I know it works in games like Diablo (ID and special Items), WoW, and RO - just to name some, but why issit selling Starcraft ID also work? Games like Diablo, WoW, and RO offers real value and enhance your gameplay because of the characters you can become and the items you can use if you foot out cash for it... but what with that piece of Starcraft ID would offer to your gaming life?
From M[o]H website, there has been past history of successful deal made by M[o]H and ID buyers. A typical deal will cost around USD35. Wow... that's a amazing...
And today, M[o]H-VietPho- from US West is selling his own ID for.... hmm it wasn't stated, maybe if you wanna buy, you can email him directly. And for your information, his ID stats is 999999-853591-108539 as of today.
P:S MakersOfHeaven's tagline is "JOIN US OR GO TO HELL"
Ok, back to the topic (Selling Account ID), I never thought that it will work. I know it works in games like Diablo (ID and special Items), WoW, and RO - just to name some, but why issit selling Starcraft ID also work? Games like Diablo, WoW, and RO offers real value and enhance your gameplay because of the characters you can become and the items you can use if you foot out cash for it... but what with that piece of Starcraft ID would offer to your gaming life?
From M[o]H website, there has been past history of successful deal made by M[o]H and ID buyers. A typical deal will cost around USD35. Wow... that's a amazing...
And today, M[o]H-VietPho- from US West is selling his own ID for.... hmm it wasn't stated, maybe if you wanna buy, you can email him directly. And for your information, his ID stats is 999999-853591-108539 as of today.
P:S MakersOfHeaven's tagline is "JOIN US OR GO TO HELL"
At January 06, 2006 5:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
i dont understand the point of purchasing an account. im sure the player tries hard enough or searchs enough he or she will come across a winbotter who can help them for free. kinda pointless to buy an sell unless u really REALLY want a spacific name
At January 06, 2006 5:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
If you have $36 USD go out and buy your brothers/sisters/parents
/girlfriend/boyfriend a gift.
Or better yet buy something to eat or even something to drink.
Why waste it on something that are not real? If you buy it that person will spend the $36 USD to buy his brothers/sisters/parents
/girlfriend/boyfriend a gift.
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