XENO]P[HOBIA is Joining
The great XENO]P[HOBIA from Europe Server has finally join us as a contributor to the blog. XENO]P[HOBIA also known as Xeno in short is also the site's owner of BGH4EVER. For your information, BGH4EVER.com is the only successful and serious website that ever tried to start a BGH league... but I don't know how successful it is, you have to ask Xeno to know more.
From various different reliable sources, XENO]P[HOBIA is argueably NOT one of the greatest regular BGH player, but is the greatest itself among all the greatest (in short, best of the best). Hah, the above statement will sure raise a lot of doubts and heats among those who have not played with Xeno - including myself of course ^^. But with the APM of a progamers, I don't doubt that a lot... just for your information, his APM is way above 300. And for your information again, in Malaysia (my home country) we have 27 millions citizens, and the guy with the highest APM in the country is Marine[Gk] aka. M1-SarangNun, he have an average APM of 280 if I am not mistaken.
Hopefully with the participation of Xeno as a contributor, we will not suffers from the lack of quality news and replays. I wish Xeno to have a good time here in the future. Happy posting.
From various different reliable sources, XENO]P[HOBIA is argueably NOT one of the greatest regular BGH player, but is the greatest itself among all the greatest (in short, best of the best). Hah, the above statement will sure raise a lot of doubts and heats among those who have not played with Xeno - including myself of course ^^. But with the APM of a progamers, I don't doubt that a lot... just for your information, his APM is way above 300. And for your information again, in Malaysia (my home country) we have 27 millions citizens, and the guy with the highest APM in the country is Marine[Gk] aka. M1-SarangNun, he have an average APM of 280 if I am not mistaken.
Hopefully with the participation of Xeno as a contributor, we will not suffers from the lack of quality news and replays. I wish Xeno to have a good time here in the future. Happy posting.
At January 08, 2006 10:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
seems interesting enough lets see wut this gent has to offer tha site. english i hope. welcome
At January 08, 2006 10:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
care to share who your "various reliable sources" are? cause I for one HAVE played with XENO and can honestly say he's easily NOT the best player
At January 08, 2006 10:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
also XENO does have very high APM ranging between 260-350 but by no means is he always WAY over 300 nor does he even average 300APM over a series of games
At January 08, 2006 12:45 PM,
lousy_robot said…
care to NOT use anonymous anymore? at least a name (though is not a battle.net id), so that we all can refer to who we are talking to...
the greatest BGH player of course contains many doubt, perhaps i'll put a poll up soon, to know who's the best. Even I myself just guessing around who is the best.
and maybe you can suggest me with some ways to know who's the best.
At January 08, 2006 1:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
May I see some replays of Xeno?
At January 08, 2006 1:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
ok I'll use a name. What you say IS true about how the greatest BGH player contains many doubt, but there is no doubt that XENO is not one of those candidates. Some ways to know who's the best may be to go to players such as kOOlam and other players who have proven their skills on bgh and ask them instead of your "various reliable sources" that feed you with false information or other clueless users such as marlb0r0 or Genie.
At January 08, 2006 1:41 PM,
lousy_robot said…
the "various reliable sources" come from those who wanted to remain anonymous. However, they are the people who have big ruling in the Starcraft community in the world... and of course they could be wrong... and I could be deceived.
At January 08, 2006 1:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why has this turned into "Who is the best BGH player"???
How can we even define it? Best in winning or best in Teamplay? Best in Micro? Best in reading players' mind? Best in Tactics?
I am not the BEST BGH Player. But the way I play in BGH cannot be understood by most people... People look at it and say I suck or I don't know how to build and just so you know, there is a reason why I build what I build in BGH. If people cannot understand the reason behind this how can they start to define the best BGH Player?
Again, I am not the best player so I'm off the "Best list". But I will say that I'm good with Team play.
At January 08, 2006 1:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
how do you define "having big ruling in the Starcraft community in the world"
At January 08, 2006 2:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
Had a great 3v3 game against XENO with 2 decent allies. Sure he has good APM of 216 but watching the replay I feel it comes at the expense of other factors like managing economy. Yes a skilled player but the best? I dunno.
At January 08, 2006 2:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
(I had good allies too :))
At January 08, 2006 2:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
who are you, anonymous?
At January 08, 2006 3:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
axpe, seems to hate on me for some unknown reason. my guess would b if im that clueless for u to call "me" out means ive owned u am i correct?
At January 08, 2006 3:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
u say that me an genie are "clueless users" of bgh? wtf are u talking about. ive played in more games than u can think of. my knowledge of bgh i must say is beyond u thats for sure.
At January 08, 2006 4:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
no marlb0r0 chances are I haven't played you since I play on europe but if you really have played that many games you've obviously not learned anything from them. Also if you think you have such a brillian knowledge of bgh then you're obviously not showing it because everything you've posted on this blog shows the lack OF knowledge. Also, the fact that you think you have such a knowledge of BGH further exemplifies your ignorance.
At January 08, 2006 5:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
This is why it's bad to start this kind of talk because when you attack others they will defend. It's an instinct and it's natural.
There is a way to discuss this without picking on anyone or calling names. Let's end it now because nobody will know who the best player is. And I mean NOBODY. BGH Players are very diverse and we all play the game very differently.
At January 08, 2006 5:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
genie, you're a dumbass. they aren't arguing about who is the best player. they are arguing about who is NOT the best player (xeno]p[hobia).
At January 08, 2006 6:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
im not tryin to even say im the best player but when this axpe comes out of no where an says something about the only replay hes ever seen of me,that i lack "knowledge" because the point of the post replay was to show hack. read complete blog next time newb...
At January 08, 2006 6:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
"further more" axpe please stfu unless u plan to take a server trip to west. till than keep watching an reading my post an replays. because your wasting my time.
At January 08, 2006 9:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Xeno]p[hobia is a god! he owns anybody 1v1 67. SUperb micro with ultra high apm. The guy's unbeatable....super goon micro..
At January 09, 2006 12:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
I haven't played with him on 1v1 but have been in team games where he was in it. He is above average.
Now how the F** do we define "BEST"? And why the F** are we talking about Best BGH Player in a post that was meant to Welcome XENO????
At January 09, 2006 12:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
LOL. Nah, I'm not a mean person. The cursing just to get my point across. LOL. I'm smiling right now.
At January 09, 2006 1:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
Xenophobia will be a great source for good replays, but he is writting really really horrible :-)
And i want to mention, bgh4ever is not his site. The site was made up by curt and psimaker.
Xeno was just allowed to use it, when curt and psi maker decided that there was to less interesst to keep going with the bgh league.
Then xeno tryed some really bad organised restarts.
At January 09, 2006 1:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
Damn i need a edit botton, pismaker of course not psi
At January 09, 2006 3:17 AM,
vientos said…
Welcome Xeno !!, u are sexy my friend :Þ
aka: mEgAloOsEr
At January 09, 2006 4:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
opps I meant bright** not bring.. =.=
At January 09, 2006 6:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
If any of you doesnt believe, weather he is the best bgh gamer of the world, just play vs his team or 1v1. I dont think you will have any chance, and if he lose, its just because nobody is perfect, but several games he wins more times than you . I know xeno for years and never seen a better bgh gamer, you doupt? Play him and he will own you ez.
Ps: He is 100 % the best 1v1 bgh player.
At January 09, 2006 6:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
i've played both with and against xeno. i dont think he's the best bgh player out there. 1v1 6/7 i think innerdeep would probably beat him.
"marlb0r0 said...
"further more" axpe please stfu unless u plan to take a server trip to west. till than keep watching an reading my post an replays. because your wasting my time. "
marlb0r0 why do u talk shit like this when u wont even play my team?
At January 09, 2006 10:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
lol cause maybe youve never brought yer team to me? lol this tha first im hearing this. who is yer team? an as defense i wasnt talknig shit i was explaining to who ever axpe is that the only things hes even seen me do was catch hacker lol i havent posted any other replays of me gaming so for him to judge my gaming "knowlegde" based on a replay to prove hack lol. but again i ask who yer team is for tha first time.
At January 09, 2006 11:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
LoL have you played against xeno's team 2v2 ? I dont think so, his team is on europe and you are from east or west. And innerdeep.. i dont know this guy but im sure he will lose vs xeno...
Xeno usually plays saturdays... he told me. Come with your teams to europe and play against him... and you will see he is really a
))\/((onster... .
At January 09, 2006 11:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hm Xeno is really good. Im from europe server too and watched replays where he played 1v1 and 2v2. Some of his games he hasnt lost 1 Unit !!! 8-10 minutes game = 0 Lost LOL. And in 2vs2 he has an incredible TEAMPLAY..... I dont know all bgh gamers... but xeno is the best bgh gamer i ever watched
At January 09, 2006 12:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
you dont think so? hahaha
i've played both with and against xeno lots of times. yeah he's from europe but he goes to the room im in all the time.
At January 09, 2006 12:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
58freestyle, you wanna tell me you have played against my team? Just when im in games and playing 2v2, it doesnt mean its my really 2v2 team.
At January 09, 2006 1:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
ok xeno when u come with your immature cousins and friends from wherever into my room then i consider it your team. if that is not your team why bring them to my room? u know they are immature and bad manner u know they whine and bitch and complain... if they aren't your team then dont bring them to my room. plus i've seen replays of you and someone else vs my friends... please tell us who your team is if not your own cousins. i've never seen any evidence that xeno is the best bgh player.. not in replays.. not when he's on my team... and not when he's against me...
koolam, bundy, deep, tami are all much better bgh players
At January 09, 2006 1:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
No its the truth, XENO]P[HOBIA is the best bgh gamer and his team is the best too.
At January 09, 2006 2:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
and now that i read up.. i never said i played against syour team xeno. learn some fucking english or have someone proof read your writing before you talk
At January 09, 2006 3:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
Looks like Xeno needs some 1v1 games in west to prove himself
At January 09, 2006 4:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
First of all, we all got out dreamteam partner(s)
Though me myself play with a different ally every game, so can i blame loss or win on my "not real team"^^?
Its funny how west ppl come with a new fact about eouropean players every weak. They never play europe but know more about europeans then other european players:-)
I say gather your super ally, and play a team headon, there should be no excuses.
I'd like to comment about xeno's goons, he's got goon control true, as a matter of fact he will chose p every time in his "good games" and go fast goones everytime, well at least 67%, he also has a no dt and no canon policy. Which means if you use canon or dt you are declared a noob.
Where ever you got that he was "the worlds gift to BGH" from i can only guess lol^^
Have fun beliving every post here.
At January 09, 2006 4:44 PM,
lousy_robot said…
hai coreano (byungshin.co.kr).
I just played with byungshin.co.kr yesterday against his team, and I lost 3 round straight to them with always 2 unknowns in my team. Anyway, byungshin.co.kr and his team are not bad.
I have also invited him to become a contributor to this blog for the sake that he is an English literated Korean. Hopefully, if he joins us, we can get some Koreans originate Starcraft news.
At January 09, 2006 5:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
There is one thing you can do to get rid of these anonymous, make every user register.
At January 09, 2006 5:06 PM,
lousy_robot said…
Yeah, I'll do it when this blog is overwhelm.
At January 09, 2006 8:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
At January 10, 2006 1:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
koolam above is fake...(lousy change comment system plz)
xeno is defently not the best bgh player, his 1on1 (pvsp) skills are good but his teamplay and his t,z skillz are from time to time well how can i say -> noob
al_bundy stopped playing with him cuz of that and i feel the same quite often.
sry xeno aba so isses
At January 10, 2006 1:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
A note to the spammer:
Later on you will regret that you go around and use other peoples' name. Remember, when you take away others' conveniency you are also taking away YOURS.
At January 10, 2006 10:44 AM,
lousy_robot said…
Who said XENO write English horribly? I think his writing is a lot better than mine.
At January 10, 2006 9:56 PM,
lousy_robot said…
I claps my hand for Xeno's replies. For the first time in BGHers.blogspot.com, we finally have someone who can actually speak very well, manner, and reasonably.
I guess I didn't invites the wrong contributor this time.
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