Movie Review: King Kong
Hahaha, just watched King Kong in the cimena hours ago. It was a nice movie and a worth paying one with those great animation, long intense, good humour, and a 3 hours long show. Have you watch it yet? Yes? No? Ohh well, this movie is hell lot better than Narnia. The only thing less favoured in King Kong were the music (couldn't compare with LOTR and Narnia), and the too-fast-relationship between Naomi Watts and King Kong.
The story however, was undoubtely beautiful. One have to understand that King Kong is a very lonely creature, whereby bizzarely it falls into a beautiful young lady. And this young lady somewhat "understand" the suffering of King Kong and wanted to be its friend... to be its companion, and to protect... but throughout the movie, she failed, she couldn't do anything to protect King Kong. If you ever have a pet (dog, cat, iguana, tiger, lion, bear, etc) that you love, and your family or the government disallow you to have it, you will understand this movie far more better than those who have not experience what you had experienced.
I recommend this movie to everyone here, and hey, take a break in Starcraft and works, hang out with your gf or whoever to watch this movie in the cinema. Its a 100% worth. A rating of 9.2/10.