This is an email I received from a BGH fans today. His name is Hulbert Lee.
Hey I just wanted to say great site. I've been playing SC ever since Battle Chest came out (8 years?) and only BGH games too. I've always tried to search for sites that contribute to BGH and having dreams (sadly) of classrooms of teachers drawing on chalkboard and describing different strategies of how to play the map, like strategies for the vietnam, WW2, or something. It would be cool if you got the experts like Yao_Ming to give advice to novices and average people on the board on how to get better, like what units to use against Zerg in this situation or what not.
Again like you, I give up a lot of my life to play Starcraft like pursuing woman, hanging out with friends, going out, and basically almost all of social life. To me it SC cools my mind down, just like tacos, alchohol, vodka or a smoke. I've grown a habbit of yelling at my parents when they tell me to come eat dinner and it's 3v1 and you just have to finish the game so your pride isn't destroyed or you worked hard for that 1 win to boost your record. I have a japanese girlfriend with A breasts, but it is like I hide this part of my life (SC) from her and the rest of the world. I tell people I play computer games for fun, but it is hard decribing them that I only play a specific 3V3 BGH instead of Halo, Half Life, CS, etc. Just the map Big Game Hunters has so much to offer; it requires so much in a human being: agreeble skill, unlimited strategy, preceptive quickness, dedicated passion, infatuated love, brains, effective and efficient timing, etc. I could go on but it is really infinite.
Also, I believe that 3v3 BGH relates to many parts of life like going against the odds, dealing with idiots, handling your emotions like anxiety and fear, and overall getting better. Anyways, I just wanted to say thanks so much for making a website because I don't feel alone anymore and a nerd because I can relate to a community like you guys that shares this experience that only we can understand and not others. I'm glad that this game bonds so many races together, from viets to whites, to chinese and blacks, to candadians, australians to japs; we should rebel and make a banner in our colleges (I'm from UCR) to highlight our glory and patriotism for this game.
I am proud to say that BGH community is still very much living and hasn't fade a bit even with new games coming out everyday. A celebrity doesn't required quantity of fans, but quality of fans that are willing to sacrifice.